About Me

I love reading, teaching and cooking. I exercise so I can eat. (Losing weight would be a bonus.) I've been a special education teacher for 32 years and I really like it. I also enjoy traveling but I think I plan more that I actually travel.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My positive thoughts for the day.

I've been so stressed and down. I have a student who is the most challenging I have ever had and I lack the training to deal with him. But he is not going anywhere, so I am only going to think positive thoughts. I will not let it ruin every minute of my day.

So my positive thoughts today were:
-the telephone is wonderful when you get to talk to your long distance family that you miss. I did that yesterday.
-I have the ability to remain calm in my classroom even when things are not calm around me.
-I have students who get such joy out of little things (like typing a word wrong on purpose to watch Word fix it automatically). So I need to emulate them.
-My treadmill arrived today, so I hope to walk away my stress.

I CAN do this every day.

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